Design Tip

Purdue Today is the University’s official communication for faculty and staff. The e-newsletter provides coverage of important and relevant items from around Purdue’s campus. To maximize your story’s visuals, make sure you know the following tips:

  • Use Purdue-authentic photography.
  • Avoid logos or co-brands in graphics.
  • Since a headline will always accompany your graphic, avoid text


  • Content is inherently text-based, for example, Rankings or Reasons to Believe.
  • More than one person is featured, for example, Awards.
  • Content is part of established campaigns, for example, Presidential Lecture Series, This Is Purdue podcast, etc.

Special note, there are two different visual dimensions – “Spotlight” (800 x5 33 px) and “Additional News” (800 x 450 px) sizes. Provide your visual in both specs to provide optimal/multiple usage.