Storytelling Tip

The Boilermaker community is incredibly diverse, with folks venturing here from every corner of the globe, from every economic circumstance and with a wide variety of subject-matter interests or worldviews. And yet Purdue has brought us all together. 

Keep that universal connection in mind when communicating with our audience. As is the case when Taylor Swift engages with Swifties, George Lucas speaks with Star Wars fanatics or Disney announces new theme park attractions to its rabid fan base, there is significant brand loyalty available to leverage when addressing our community. The key is to not overdo it in a way that can come across as manipulative or phony. 

Executed authentically, our university storytelling can inspire and enlighten our audience, expanding the Purdue pride that they already feel. When we identify opportunities to tell stories that emphasize our shared experiences as Boilermakers, our audience will likely be receptive. 

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