Where Has the Semicolon Gone?

When two or more clauses, which are grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction, are to form a single compound sentence, the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon.


  • Student options for study abroad opportunities are numerous; learning and interacting with other cultures provide students with life-changing experiences.
  • The upcoming Presidential Lecture Series is free and open to the public; the start time is designed to accommodate an audience from across campus and Greater Lafayette.

On the other hand, if a conjunction is inserted, the proper mark is the trusty, reliable comma.

  • The upcoming Presidential Lecture Series is free and open to the public, and the start time is designed to accommodate an audience from across the Purdue campus and Greater Lafayette.

As the Apostrophe Turns

  • When you need to use an apostrophe, be sure it’s turned the correct way (’) in your content. If it’s turned the other way (‘), it’s actually an opening single quotation mark.

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