“PPHS First Class” | A Documentary Series
“PPHS First Class” is a documentary series produced by Purdue University that follows three students of the first-ever graduating class of Purdue Polytechnic High School (PPHS) during their senior year. The school’s mission is to reinvent the high school experience through project-based, STEM-focused, hands-on learning and to offer its students a path to Purdue. PPHS has created new K-12 pathways for Indiana students who are underserved by traditional high schools and underrepresented in higher education. Learn how PPHS came to fruition by watching and sharing this video.
This three-part documentary series featured students Prem, Audrey and Keante. These students are currently freshmen Boilermakers in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. Each episode explores their skill development, growth, and learnings from the PPHS experience, all in preparation for coming to Purdue University to fulfill their dreams of going to college.
Purdue is changing the world in tangible ways with initiatives such as PPHS. This documentary series is an opportunity to highlight Purdue as a prominent leader in higher education, as Purdue is reinventing the high school experience.
This content is evergreen and can be shared at any point throughout the year. Consider when this impactful storytelling might be most effective in supporting your larger marketing initiatives. This content can be shared across all communication channels to spread awareness of PPHS and the unique foresight Purdue has put into creating these innovative high school experiences for Indiana students.
- 3 episode links
- Press release announcing the documentary series
- Social media graphics
- 2 landing pages
- Social media/marketing copy recommendations
When linking to Purdue websites from social platforms or emails, it is recommended that UTM parameters be added to the URL in order to provide reporting on the activity. The Marketing and Communications campaign URL builder allows you to easily configure these links and even request shortened Purdue-branded links.
UTM Campaign: pphs_documentary
UTM Medium: social or email
UTM Source: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram (or email newsletter name)
Story Links:
Video Links:
Documentary Series Episode Playlist: https://purdue.university/PPHSFirstClass
Prem’s Episode, “Driving Toward Success”: https://purdue.university/Prem
Audrey’s Episode, “Making Connections”: https://purdue.university/Audrey
Keante’s Episode, “Learning to Lead”: https://purdue.university/Keante
The following assets are available for download and use. Social assets include files for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Instagram Stories.
NOTE: If InDesign files are needed for any of these assets, please complete the marketing request form on our website.
Digital engagement is a powerful platform to share Purdue stories and posts with past, present and future Boilermakers. Here are some tips to help your posts shine.
- Keep posts short and direct
- Link all posts back to our news release
- Tag @LifeAtPurdue when possible
- Include photos, videos, or GIFs
- Use short URLs
The Purdue Polytechnic High School documentary series is here. “PPHS First Class” is now premiering. “PPHS First Class” follows three members of the first-ever graduating class of @purduepolyhs as they navigate their path to Purdue University while experiencing a high school experience unlike anything the country has ever seen. They are leaders. They are trailblazers. And now, they are Boilermakers. Available now on YouTube. <link to series>
The Purdue Polytechnic High School documentary series is here. “PPHS First Class” is now premiering. Follow three members of the first-ever graduating class of @purduepolyhs as they help reinvent the high school experience. They were trailblazers, and now, they are Boilermakers. Watch now: <link to series>
Four years. Three students. One revolutionized high school experience. The first-ever graduating class at @purduepolyhs sent 40 seniors to Purdue in the fall of 2021. A new documentary series, “PPHS First Class,” follows three of these students on their path to Purdue. Watch now: <link to series>
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#MyGiantLeap = Faculty/Alumni stories