Couch Cart
Some leaps are more unconventional than others. Just ask Couch Cart creators Ethan Cox and Nathan Peercy, and the West Lafayette law enforcement officer who pulled over their creation.
Chronicling the Couch Cart’s Commencement Cruise
News of the not-entirely street legal vehicle’s adventures quickly spread across campus, and most notably, to the Office of the President.
A full video shoot took place on and above campus. In it, we see the Couch Cart being (piloted by one of its creators), picking up a special guest passenger (University President Mitch Daniels) in need of a ride to a high-profile engagement (the Spring 2021 Commencement ceremony).
The three-minute video, titled One Last Ride, was an instant hit. It was by far the most popular video shared across Purdue social media platforms for May 2021.