Protect Purdue

Heading into early 2020, Purdue Marketing Communications was focused on the roll out of the new university brand. But like so many other plans, the emergence of the novel coronavirus, those plans changed dramatically.

The New Challenge: Protecting Purdue 

University leadership made a bold commitment to fully open during the pandemic, and we shifted gears to develop a comprehensive public health awareness push in support of it. The resulting campaign was built around the Protect Purdue Pledge. Together, we would build good habits and take responsible action to ensure the health and safety of all Boilermakers. 

The Protect Purdue Pledge was shared and supported across every platform and in ways big and small; personal and public; and internally and externally. We maintained a constant pipeline for information and updates and distributed over 55,000 wellness kits. 

But one measure says everything about the success of the Protect Purdue campaign: the university was able to reopen and stay open because Boilermakers fulfilled their pledge to Protect Purdue. As a part of that effort, we launched a dedicated Protect Purdue website to inform, educate and solicit feedback. 


400+posts using the hashtag #ProtectPurdue
90+videos created in support of Protect Purdue
The outside of a building is shown. A banner runs across the top of the doors and windows on the first floor of the building. The banner says “Together we will Protect Purdue.”

 How Purdue Became One of the Safest Places Anywhere 

Take a deep dive into the Protect Purdue success story and see what resources were available for campus partners to share the messages and successes of the Protect Purdue campaign. 


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