‘This Is Purdue’: President Mung Chiang on Becoming Purdue’s 13th President
In this special episode of “This Is Purdue,” we spoke with Purdue University ‘s 13th president, Mung Chiang. The episode premiered during the first week of President Chiang’s tenure.
An Introduction for a New President
In this special episode of “This Is Purdue,” President Chiang discussed the day he learned he would become president of what he calls “the most consequential public university in the U.S.” He also shared stories of Boilermaker persistence and humility and why the college experience should be both transformative and fun.
Mung Chiang officially became Purdue’s president on Jan. 1, 2023. This podcast episode served as an opportunity for the Boilermaker community to get to know a more personal side of the new president.
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Across 4 videos As of Aug. 2023
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