What Can You Imagine at Purdue?
“What Can You Imagine at Purdue?” is Purdue’s most watched video to date, with over 29 million views on YouTube.
Creative Collaboration
The heartwarming story of “What Can You Imagine at Purdue?” is told through the eyes of a little girl who imagines her future at Purdue University.
The video was shot over the course of a week in the fall of 2022, alongside our creative agency partners at Madhouse. Many MarCom staff members and campus partners were involved in the planning, logistics and production of the video.

Varied Distribution Strategies
The strategy for promoting this video was to share it broadly and across multiple platforms to reach as many audiences as possible. This included Indianapolis and Chicago affiliates during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, ESPN2 during the Purdue vs. LSU Citrus Bowl, and various sporting events throughout the winter on Fox, NBC, the Big Ten Network, WISH-TV, Monday Night Football and more. We also created a complex distribution plan that included more than 50 social shares, collaboration with campus partners and interviews with media outlets.