Photography is one of our most widely used and influential storytelling assets. Our photography style reinforces our brand strategy, portraying moments in authentic ways.

Portrait Photography
A new option is now available for faculty, staff and students to get a professional head shot at their convenience and at no cost. A self-service portrait booth is available in the Boilermaker Station Welcome Center located in Stewart Center, Room 102. The booth is available without an appointment Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Booth features:
- High-quality studio lighting and photography equipment
- Allows users to approve or retake photos and displays tips on posing
- Allows users to crop photos, touch up blemishes, whiten teeth, or apply filters
- Instantly delivers digital photos via email

Other Events
Career fairs, headshot events, awards banquets, conferences, alumni dinners and other events will be covered ONLY if the images are needed for University-level marketing purposes or to fulfill the priorities of the institution.