Editorial Style Guide
We are the standard-bearer and arbiter of editorial style for Purdue University’s published, nonacademic communications. See our rules relative to spelling, punctuation and word usage.
Editorial Style Resources
Marketing and Communications has established a tiered system of style resources for reference, listed below in order of priority:
- Purdue University’s Editorial Style Guide
- The Associated Press Stylebook
- Merriam-Webster
- The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition
For a style question that is not addressed in the resources mentioned above, please contact Marketing and Communications.
Appendix A — Purdue college/school names
Appendix B — Purdue Global college/school names

Entries (alphabetical)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
abbreviations. Types of abbreviations include initialisms such as NIH for National Institutes of Health and acronyms (pronounceable as words) such as CLEAR for the Center for Literacy Education and Research.
ABBREVIATIONS IN PARENTHESES AFTER NAME: Within sensible practice, this is acceptable (an exception to AP): Association of American Universities (AAU); Indiana Department of Health (IDOH).
Sensible practice helps all likely members of the audience in question, and thus exercises caution about relying too much on abbreviations. Some factors:
• Don’t use a parenthetical abbreviation if the abbreviation will not appear again in the piece.
• Be sure to show the relationship if the abbreviation doesn’t look like the name (C3Bio).
• Don’t weary the reader with abbreviations. Saying “at the center” works fine too.
• Also good: “… the Military Family Research Institute, or MFRI, ….”
• Also good: “… the Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation. Last year, TLI initiated ….” (Abbreviation used soon after full name.)
ABBREVIATIONS INSTEAD OF NAMES: This is a judgment call based on level of familiarity.
1. Acceptable in all uses: NASA, FBI, LGBTQ. Consult AP for non-Purdue entities.
2. Acceptable for first reference with spelled-out name to follow: STEM. At Purdue West Lafayette, CERIAS. For some limited audiences, no full reference may be needed, but the focus is on including all readers.
3. Also, sometimes an abbreviation makes a headline more compact but the name needs to appear very early in the body copy.
(Added May 2019)
academic breaks. Use fall break (not October break), Thanksgiving break and spring break — terms used by the Office of the Registrar. Summer break and winter break are not official Purdue terms but can be used in general references for student time off between semesters. Avoid using vacation, because that has a different meaning for students and university employees. The term winter recess refers to time off for faculty and staff that is in addition to approved university holidays and any president’s designated holiday around Dec. 24 and 25 and Jan. 1. Do not use recess as the term for an academic break.
The university will observe fall break in October.
Students will begin winter break after final exams.
The trustees approved winter recess dates for faculty and staff.
academic terms. The academic terms at Purdue are fall semester, spring semester, summer session and winter session. Lowercase in general reference even when referring to a specific term — spring 2024 semester. Note: Purdue’s Office of the Registrar, in its official Academic Calendar, capitalizes the season to indicate that it is the official academic term, not merely the season: Spring 2024, Summer 2024.
academic units. Use capitalization when listing an academic unit by its formal name: College of Liberal Arts. Capitalize a shortened form such as Liberal Arts if and only if it refers directly to the unit in the administrative sense versus a field of study: I love the variety of majors offered by Biological Sciences. Purdue has increased the number of computer science graduates.
On first reference, use the actual name, not an inverted name such as the physics department.
Lowercase (no capital) college or school when used alone. Lowercase colleges or schools when referring to more than one: the colleges of Pharmacy and Agriculture. (From “plurals” in AP.) This approach is not mandatory; it is fine to say College of Pharmacy and College of Agriculture, and with some more complex names, that way can be preferable.
Alphabetize by discipline, not by categories or person’s names in the unit’s title. See list for examples. Use the word and. The official names of all academic units at the West Lafayette campus (except quasi-academic Bands & Orchestras) use the word and, not an ampersand (&). By AP, and and & are not interchangeable in official names. A few units have a serial comma in the name, and that is to be retained where possible. (Renamed and revised May 2019)
Appendix A: List of colleges/schools and their units at Purdue West Lafayette
accent marks. Follow AP’s guidance in its entry on accent marks, using accents and other diacritical marks for the names of people and organizations that use them (e.g., France Córdova, Dassault Systèmes) or if quoting directly in a language that uses them. Don’t use these marks with words that aren’t proper names, with this exception: Include accent marks with words such as résumé (as in CV), which could be confused with another word if the marks weren’t used. Commonly used marks: é, è, ñ,ó.
Action Council on Student Housing and Well-Being
addresses. In return addresses and in running text, treat addresses with the style indicated in AP’s “addresses” entry. For mailing addresses for campus buildings, see the campus map at purdue.edu/campus_map.
For addresses for sending a bulk mailing, use U.S. Postal Service style — all capital letters and no punctuation.
advisor. Purdue prefers this spelling.
AI. Acceptable on first reference (contra AP). References to the spelled-out form, artificial intelligence, may be incorporated into the text if helpful.
“All-American” Marching Band. A unit of Purdue Bands & Orchestras.
alumnus, alumna, alumni, alumnae. These Latin forms are still commonly used. Alumnus means one man. Alumna means one woman. Alumni means plural men or plural for a group containing men and women. Alumnae means plural women. A reference such as Distinguished Alumnus Award may work when it means one man but lead to a wish for a more inclusive term as a category. Use of Alumni as part of the award name is one solution, and Alumnus/Alumnae is another. Avoid Alumnus/a and Alumni/ae (slashes and part word).
animal research. Stories that refer to animals used in research projects must go through a review involving the Strategic Communications unit of Purdue Marketing and Communications and Purdue’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Contact the senior manager for media strategy in MarCom to begin the process. (Added November 2022)
Athletics Department (Purdue Athletics) – Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is the full name of the department consisting of 18 intercollegiate sports teams that compete in NCAA Division I and the Big Ten Conference. Mike Bobinski is Purdue’s vice president and director of intercollegiate athletics. The department is branded as Purdue Athletics.
FIRST REFERENCE: Purdue Athletics has launched a group licensing program with The Brandr Group for current Boilermaker student-athletes.
ACCEPTABLE ON SECOND REFERENCE: athletics department. The partnership further bolsters the athletics department’s EMPOWER program, an initiative focused on providing every Boilermaker with opportunities to excel in all facets of the student-athlete experience. (Added June 2023)
Big Ten Conference. In this phrase, Ten is always spelled out. Generally speaking, first reference is Big Ten Conference.
The Big Ten, established in January 1895, currently has 14 conference members: University of Illinois, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Maryland, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Nebraska, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University and University of Wisconsin.
It is acceptable and common to use the forms above, rather than, e.g., the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign or the University of Wisconsin-Madison, unless there is need to distinguish from other places or to be formal.
B1G — This Big Ten logo is intended mainly for athletic purposes. No one at Purdue outside Intercollegiate Athletics can use B1G without the conference’s permission; consult Purdue’s Trademarks and Licensing group. Also outside Athletics, do not use the B1G logo (or the group of characters) or any similar logo as a word in a sentence or headline. (Revised October 2017)
Board of Trustees/board of trustees. Capitalize Board of Trustees in reference to the Purdue University Board of Trustees; thereafter, use the board or the trustees when referring to that specific group. Do not capitalize board of trustees or a similar term in conjunction with a company name.
Boilermakers. When including Purdue’s nickname in text, prefer the term Boilermakers. Intercollegiate Athletics prefers the use of Boilermakers to the shortened form, Boilers, but understands that there are exceptions, such as headlines and cheers.
Boilermaker Special. The Boilermaker Special, Purdue’s official mascot, resembles a train locomotive. The latest version, Boilermaker Special VII, was dedicated Sept. 3, 2011. A smaller version is called Boilermaker Xtra Special and also can be used for indoor events. The latest version, Boilermaker Xtra Special VIII, was dedicated Oct. 7, 2017. The Purdue Reamer Club has been entrusted by the university to be the caretaker of the Boilermaker Special and Boilermaker Xtra Special. (Revised April 2018).
Boilers Go to D.C. A two-week study away course offered by the Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement. Part of Purdue@DC.
Boiler Up! (Hammer Down!). In hopes of getting fans more engaged in football games at Ross-Ade Stadium, Arnette Tiller came up with the phrase Boiler Up in 1997, the first year her husband, Joe, was head coach of the Boilermakers. Boiler Up went on to earn a spot in the Boilermaker lexicon, and fans often greet one another by exclaiming the byword. The hashtag #BoilerUp is used regularly with social media posts campuswide. Boiler Up even has been incorporated into the Purdue fight song, “Hail Purdue,” following the phrase “Thus we raise our song anew.”
Boiler Up can be used with or without an exclamation point.
Boiler Up is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, but only the phrase (not the exclamation point). The registered trademark symbol ® isn’t always necessary. When included, the ® can be done in any size that best fits the needs of the overall text or design, and it can appear in a tonal application. If the exclamation point is included, the registration mark must be placed between the p in Up and the exclamation point. Boiler Up® or Boiler Up®!
Within a body of text, there is no need for the ® with the Boiler Up phrase.
As a signoff and when used in any way as a graphic, use ® with the phrase.
All promotional and retail products require the ®.
For more information, click here. (Added June 2023)
bulleted lists. Use parallel grammatical construction for each item in a list. Do not use periods after fragments (no matter how long the fragment is) unless the list contains an item consisting of both a fragment and a complete sentence. In that case, use periods after every item in the list for visual consistency. Some items may appear to be complete, stand-alone imperative sentences but actually complete the lead-in text and so are fragments (see second example).
Strategic priorities include:
- Purdue University in Indianapolis
- Purdue Computes
- Mitch Daniels School of Business
- One Health
The committee’s goals are to:
- Finalize bylaws
- Set priorities
- Develop project timelines
The team will expand broadband access, adoption and use by:
- Providing training to residents and businesses on digital literacy.
- Increasing awareness of tools to verify service. These include tools that community members can use to conduct speed tests and validate broadband service maps.
campus. Lowercase the c in campus whenever referring to particular Purdue locations — e.g., West Lafayette campus, Fort Wayne campus.
campus buildings, streets, parking, addresses
NAMES AND CODES OF CAMPUS BUILDINGS. Use the printable campus map at https://www.purdue.edu/campus-map/graphics/campusmap.pdf. Context will determine whether to use the full, formal name of a building or location or a shortened or even informal form. When the map’s legend puts first names in parentheses, that is for alphabetizing purposes only; use the first names before the last name. Example:
Map legend: Beering (Steven C.) Hall of Liberal Arts and Education
Formal use: Steven C. Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education
Common first use with general public: Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education
Common first use within Purdue community: Beering Hall
Common second use: Beering Hall
Do not refer to a building merely as Beering or such except in a quotation.
Retain first name in all uses for Neil Armstrong Hall and Stanley Coulter Hall.
Use this printable map also for names of campus parking garages and lots. Example: R Lot is the form for the lot north of Ross-Ade Stadium.
STREET ADDRESSES OF CAMPUS BUILDINGS. Use the general map at https://www.purdue.edu/campus-map/ and click on the building in question. All buildings in the main geographical campus are in ZIP code 47907. Remember when providing a mailing address to include the ZIP+4 code. When specifying a room number, use a comma after the building name and spell out Room, as in Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Room 1066. Use a comma after the room designation if text follows: Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Room 1066, is the location.
BUILDING CODES. Avoid using building codes in narrative in place of names. If using a building code in any setting, provide a link to the printed campus map. For use within the campus, limit use of codes by themselves to the more familiar buildings.(Added in October 2021)
campus names. The university system is named Purdue University. The full names of its campuses (use hyphens where shown, not en dashes, and without spaces):
On second reference, Purdue Fort Wayne or PFW. This became an official institution on July 1, 2018, concluding the legal separation of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, known as IPFW. Purdue Fort Wayne offers most of the academic and associated programs at Fort Wayne, as well as athletics.
Also becoming official July 1, 2018, was Indiana University Fort Wayne, which operates and manages health sciences programs (nursing, dental education, and medical imaging and radiography) at Fort Wayne. Second reference is IU Fort Wayne.
Avoid casting the restructuring as a name change. It involved realignment of programs, property and administration. Also, references to the institution, its people and its operations and activities up through June 30, 2018, should call it IPFW and include any needed explanation of that usage. (Updated July 2018)
Purdue University in Indianapolis
On second reference, Purdue in Indianapolis is acceptable. Do not use Purdue Indianapolis except in social media hash tags: #PurdueIndianapolis. Do not use Purdue University in Indianapolis as a modifier describing a student, faculty member or progam. Example of approved phrasing: Nikhil Anand Dhoka is excelling as a Purdue student in Indianapolis (not Nikhil Anand Dhoka is excelling as a Purdue University in Indianapolis student). See style guide.
- Purdue University Northwest-Hammond Campus
- Purdue University Northwest-Westville Campus
On second reference, generally Purdue Northwest or PNW. In all references, do not distinguish between Hammond and Westville unless the distinction is important, as in the location of an event. Second references can be Hammond campus, Westville campus, or simply at Hammond or at Westville.
Use this name to refer to the administrative unit. Do not use Purdue Online. Supported degrees are academically housed in the colleges and are bestowed by Purdue University. Descriptions of programs typically take this form: Purdue University’s online programs or online programs from Purdue University.
capitalization. In general, avoid unnecessary capitals. See AP Stylebook for guidelines. See also “titles” and “professor” in this guide.
class. When referring to a group of juniors and/or seniors, upperclassmen may be used. When referring to a group of first-year students and/or sophomores, underclassmen may be used. Do not use upperclass students, lowerclass students or underclass students.
Class of ’XX, Class of 20XX. Capitalize the word Class when referring to a specific class by year.
cleanroom. One word. Purdue’s Birck Nanotechnology Center houses a 25,000-square-foot nanofabrication cleanroom, the Scifres Nanofabrication Laboratory, which includes a 2,500-square-foot, pharmaceutical-grade biomolecular cleanroom. (Added June 2023)
coach. Usually lowercase, especially before a full name: He played for coach Joe Tiller. Her favorite person at Purdue is coach Katie Gearlds. But when used in place of a name, capitalizing is acceptable:“Put me in, Coach!” “I love playing for Coach Painter.” (Added September 2023)
college/school names. Use capitalization when listing a college or school by its formal name: College of Liberal Arts. Capitalize a shortened form (e.g., Liberal Arts) if and only if it refers to the college/school in the administrative sense versus a field of study. Do not capitalize college or school in subsequent or generic references: The college announced two new initiatives.
PLURALS. Do not capitalize the words colleges or schools when referring to more than one individual school or college: the colleges of Science and Agriculture. (From “plurals” in AP.)
ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Alphabetize by discipline, not by categories or person’s names in the unit’s title. See list for examples. The official names of all academic units (except Bands & Orchestras) use the word and, not an ampersand (&). By AP, and and & are not interchangeable in official names. A few units have a serial comma in the name, and that is to be retained where possible.
List of colleges/schools at Purdue West Lafayette; schools and departments by college
colors. Purdue’s colors are old gold and black. It is acceptable in many uses to say gold and black. It is not appropriate to reverse the order and say black and gold. Use Old Gold and Black (note capitalization) as a nickname for the university. (Added October 2017)
commencement. Capitalize when referring to the formal graduation ceremony and when used with the season for the event. Example: Indiana’s 51st governor will deliver the keynote address at Purdue University’s Summer 2023 Commencement. In less formal usages, however, lowercase is permissible: Her family enjoyed seeing her graduate during Purdue’s commencement. (Added December 2023)
course names. A course name without the course number takes title capitalization and no quotation marks: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I. It is acceptable to abbreviate a subject field when followed by the course number in text: ENGL 56000. When listing the whole course name, use the following treatment: ENGL 56000 (Modern American Poetry).
Cradle of Astronauts. Capitalize. This distinction is given to Purdue for its storied tradition of alumni who are astronauts, including the first and most recent humans to walk on the moon. Nearly one-third of all U.S. spaceflights also have included a Purdue graduate.
DEGREE TYPES (descriptive). When writing about degrees, use these terms in lowercase: doctoral degree or doctorate, master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, associate degree. NOT: doctorate degree. NOT: associate’s degree.
DEGREE NAMES (official). The actual name of a degree is capitalized: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science.
Most official degree names do not include the subject area, which if mentioned is lowercase unless the word is a proper noun: Bachelor of Arts degree in history; Master of Arts in Spanish literature. But when using the degree type: a bachelor’s in English; a master’s degree in agronomy.
Some degree names include the subject area, which means the subject area is part of what is capitalized; the best clue often is the abbreviation: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or BSN; Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, or MSME. Such abbreviations may be used in social media posts and graphical treatments, but in running copy, phrasing like the following is preferred for clarity’s sake:
Jones, who has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, is an astronaut.
Jones, who has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, is on the board.
See this list of official degree names that include the subject area.
DEGREE ABBREVIATIONS. An exception to AP style: Degree abbreviations do not require periods no matter how many letters in them: BA, MS, PhD, DVM, PharmD
USE OF DEGREE INFORMATION. Most communications will identify a person’s position and should not mention degrees or other qualifications. However, profiles, previews of a coming speaker, alumni identification in alumni publications or university pieces to a university audience — such things may warrant mention of degrees.
Example using parentheses: Goldie Smith (BS communication ’88) says she watches all Boilermaker basketball games. (Make sure the apostrophe faces the right direction.)
Example using nonessential clause: Lou Scannon, who earned her bachelor’s in communication in 1988, went on to earn a law degree at UC Berkeley. (Cf. AP Stylebook “essential clauses, nonessential clauses; especially the examples.)
MULTIPLE DEGREES. When listing multiple degrees, it’s usually most efficient to include them within a parenthesis, separated by comma: Neal Downe (BS biology ’88, MS biology ’90, DVM ’94).
SUPERSEDED DEGREES. When referring to a degree that’s no longer offered at Purdue, make an effort to cite the degree earned by the individual, not the modern form of it. For example, before 1959, students could earn a degree in metallurgical engineering, abbreviated as MetE, from the School of Chemical Engineering. In 1959, the study of metallurgy was incorporated into the newly forged School of Materials Engineering.
Pre-1959: Natalie Klad (BSMetE ’55)
1959-today: Phil S. Stein (BSME ’79)
(Updated and renamed May 2019)
disabilities. Preferred use is to speak of an individual with a disability or disabilities. For example, rather than stating Erin is a Type 1 diabetic, consider Erin has Type 1 diabetes. Certain members of Purdue’s Disability Rights community consider their condition as central to their identity and may prefer terms such as disabled students. Whenever possible, defer to the preferences of the individual in question. In keeping with the AP Stylebook, omit reference to a disability unless relevant to the story. Avoid using the term special needs or attributing suffering to the individual’s condition. Do not use handicap for a disability or handicapped for a person. Consult the AP Stylebook for additional guidance. (Updated November 2022)
Discovery Park District at Purdue. This is a 450-acre, mixed-used real estate development on the west end of Purdue’s West Lafayette campus that is owned by the Purdue Research Foundation. Do not abbreviate as DPD or shorten to the District. And do not place the in front of Discovery Park District at Purdue.
- Discovery Park District at Purdue
- Discovery Park District
- Purdue’s innovation district
Example: The Scifres Nanofabrication Laboratory, one of the largest cleanroom facilities at a U.S. research university, is housed in the Birck Nanotechnology Center at Discovery Park District at Purdue.
For more information, see Campuswide Centers and Institutes. (Revised June 2023)
doctor. Follow the guidelines used in the AP Stylebook with the following exceptions.
It is acceptable to use Dr. with the last name in first and subsequent references. However, depending on audiences and use of the piece, the use of the last name alone is preferred.
If an honorific is required, it is preferred (if the person has a PhD and is on the faculty) to use Professor rather than Dr. on these subsequent references. Dr. is to be used for medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, osteopaths, podiatrists and veterinarians.
Example: John Smith, professor of biology, oversaw the research project. Smith’s previous research on this subject has been published in several scientific journals, and he is considered an expert on the topic. (Preferred, especially in news releases.)
John Smith, professor of biology, oversaw the research project. Professor Smith’s previous research on this subject has been published in several scientific journals, and he is considered an expert on the topic. (Preferred, when honorific is required.)
See also “professor.”
dorm/dormitory. Do not use. The preferred terminology is residence hall or residence.
Earhart, Amelia. She worked at Purdue from 1935-37 as a counselor in the Department for the Study of Careers for Women and technical advisor to the Department of Aeronautics. She was not an aviation professor or instructor. The Purdue Research Foundation donated money to Earhart to use for her attempted around-the-world flight, some of which she used to purchase the Lockheed Electra that she was flying on that trip. Earhart was authorized to use the Purdue University Airport for preparations for her final flight (and to store her plane as needed). For more information on her life, see Purdue Archives’ Amelia Earhart collection.
Eli Lilly and Company, Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Lilly Endowment Inc. For the name of the company, use Eli Lilly and Company on first reference in body copy, spelling out Company (contra AP). Second reference and in headlines: Lilly. For the name of the foundation, use Eli Lilly and Company Foundation (Lilly Foundation on second reference and in headlines). For the name of the endowment, use Lilly Endowment Inc. (no the is used before the name). Use Lilly Endowment on second reference and in headlines. Note that these are three separate entities. Do not confuse them.
em dash. An em dash (—) should be placed in text with a space before and after: The players — not to mention the coaches — were jumping up and down. Note: On an Apple computer, Shift+Option+hyphen; on Windows, Alt+0151. If a system isn’t able to produce an em dash, use a double hyphen instead.
en dash. Use a hyphen instead of an en dash in regular text in accordance with AP’s practice: 2003-09; 6:30-8 p.m.
EPICS. Formerly Engineering Projects in Community Service. While this program has officially adopted the shorter name, it may still be helpful to include a description when referencing it. From the EPICS website: EPICS is a service-learning design program in which teams of students partner with local and global community organizations to address human, community and environmental needs.
equal opportunity statements. Every Purdue University print and online publication, including but not limited to websites, magazines, banners, posters, mailers, invitations and billboards, must include an equal opportunity statement. There are two such statements — with the specific parameters of usage explained below.
All pieces that relate to faculty/staff employment and recruitment must use the following statement in full: Purdue is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities and veterans, are encouraged to apply.
All other Purdue materials — not pertaining to faculty-staff employment and recruitment — must include one of these statements: An equal access/equal opportunity university or EA/EOU.
(Updated and renamed April 2019)
Purdue Extension (or Purdue University Extension): The official name of the service, which is part of the national Cooperative Extension System, that operates in all 92 Indiana counties to provide the state’s communities with practical, research-based information. In text, capitalize Purdue Extension and Extension when they stand alone and specifically refer to the program. This capitalization distinguishes Purdue Extension from the generic word extension, which is often used in text in various contexts.
- Purdue Extension will support an effort to help rural, tribal and underserved communities access federal funding.
- Purdue plans to expand opportunities for Extension to engage and improve the quality of life in underserved communities by furthering the capacity of Extension agents to deliver disaster programming.
FAFSA. Acceptable on first reference (contra AP). References to the spelled-out form, Free Application for Federal Student Aid, may be incorporated into the text if helpful.
First Lady/First Family, Purdue. Capitalize as First Lady Kei Hui or First Lady YingKei Hui, spouse to Mung Chiang, Purdue’s 13th president. Because First Lady Hui is a medical doctor, it’s also appropriate in some situations to refer to her as Dr. Kei Hui or Dr. YingKei Hui. Example: Dr. Kei Hui serves as Purdue’s First Lady. In news releases, use the name Kei unless otherwise instructed. YingKei may be appropriate for formal uses. For second reference in a more formal usage, Dr. Hui would be acceptable. For more information, go to the website for the Purdue First Lady here. Related: Capitalize First Family when referring to the family of current Purdue President Mung Chiang.
fiscal year. Purdue’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Spell out fiscal year on first reference: e.g., fiscal year 2025. Second reference: fiscal 2025. In reports, graphics or tabular material, the style FY25 is acceptable. The numeral refers to the second of the two calendar years the time period extends into.
freshman. The phrase first-year student is preferred; however, freshman is still used in cases where a distinction needs to be made between a beginning college student and someone who has just transferred into Purdue. Freshman also is acceptable in headlines and in phrases such as freshman class (it is not freshmen class).
gateway. The word gateway is and has been associated with several different structures on the West Lafayette campus. Currently, there are two appropriate uses of the word:
- Gateway to the Future is the official name for the arch structure near the intersection of Stadium Avenue and University Street. The structure provides a sense of entrance to the central academic campus.
- Purdue Memorial Union Gateway is the official name for the arch structure in front of Purdue Memorial Union. Located at the corner of Grant Street and Mitch Daniels Boulevard, it is designed to mark the entrance near the east end of campus. (Renamed and revised May 2023)
The two buildings previously referred to as the Engineering and Polytechnic Gateway Facility (or at times Complex) as a project name have received permanent names not using gateway. By Board of Trustees approval, they are Lambertus Hall and Dudley Hall. In the following construction, lowercase halls: Lambertus and Dudley halls. Purdue Campus Map
gender: adjectives/nouns. When you need to specify gender, use female or male as the adjective and woman or man when you need a noun.
Grand Prix. Annual kart race hosted by the Purdue Grand Prix Foundation. Known as “The Greatest Spectacle in College Racing” (include the quotation marks, following the foundation’s style, which is based on the Indianapolis 500’s descriptor “The Greatest Spectacle in Racing”).
Greater Lafayette. When referring to the Lafayette-West Lafayette community, use Greater Lafayette. (Updated December 2017)
Hard-Tech Corridor. This is item C in Purdue’s ABCD strategy (see strategic initiatives).
Hail Purdue! No comma in the song title, chant or cheer. The lyrics can be found at: https://www.purdue.edu/uns/images/2024/hailpurdue.pdf.
HIPAA. This is an acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (i.e., an acronym because people pronounce it as a word, Hipp-uh). Note that it has two A’s, not two P’s. It is acceptable on any reference, but depending on context, also use the title of the act and/or an explanatory phrase such as health information privacy law or the federal law restricting release of personal medical information. (Added July 2018)
homecoming. Capitalize in proper names (usually used with the year): We expect Purdue’s Homecoming 2023 to be spectacular. Lowercase in general references: the homecoming parade. Example: Colleges, units are invited to participate in Homecoming 2023’s Boilermaker Boulevard activities. (Added September 2023)
hypersonic (adj.) hypersonics (n.) The technical term for flying faster than the speed of sound, which is 761 mph. Example: Purdue’s large, interdisciplinary team of leading researchers brings great depth and breadth of experience in helping develop next-generation hypersonic systems. When used to describe this field of study of vehicles or weapons systems, the noun form “hypersonics” is preferred, similar to economics. Example: A growing number of graduate students are drawn to Purdue for its research strengths and reputation in hypersonics.
Related: The Hypersonics and Applied Research Facility, known as HARF, is a $41 million, 65,000-square-foot building that’s home to two cutting-edge wind tunnels: the world’s only Mach 8 quiet wind tunnel, and a hypersonic pulse (HYPULSE) reflected shock/expansion tunnel. (Added September 2023)
Internet of Things. This widely accepted capitalized form is normally the first reference. Second reference is the same thing or IoT. For a few audiences, “IoT” may be enough, but be careful of assuming familiarity among general readers. An explanatory phrase or sentence might be this: The Internet of Things is the connection of devices of many types, including home and vehicle devices used by most people, via an internet such that devices can signal one another without additional direct human action. (Added July 2018)
Krannert Graduate Institute. Part of the Mitch Daniels School of Business (see entry). When writing about alumni who got their degrees before the 2023 naming of the Daniels School, use generic phrasing if possible:
Chris Jones graduated from Purdue’s business school in 2022.
If you must name the school, refer to Daniels School, not Krannert.
land grant (n.), land-grant (adj.). This rule applies to sea grant/sea-grant and space grant/space-grant also. When using all three together follow this order: Purdue is a land-, sea- and space-grant university.
LEAP Research and Innovation District. Second reference: LEAP District. The phrase in Lebanon may be included as a descriptor if necessary, but Lebanon is not part of the formal name.
listserv. Use a lowercase l when using this term, as is the practice of Wired Style.
majors. In running text, do not capitalize the names of majors unless the major itself is a proper noun: forestry, English, American studies. However, in tables or bulleted lists at the start of a bulleted line, it’s acceptable to capitalize majors. Sentence use: She is majoring in mathematics education. He is an English major. (Updated October 2017)
middle initials. Avoid the use of middle initials unless there is an exception for clarification or in more formal programs.
Mitch Daniels School of Business. The Mitch Daniels School of Business encompasses all degree programs. It consists of the Bruce White Undergraduate Institute and the Krannert Graduate Institute, which refers to the Daniels School’s graduate programs. The White and Krannert names, however, should not be used without a clear reference to the Daniels School.
In news releases, Mitch Daniels School of Business should be used on first reference; Daniels School is acceptable on second reference. For marketing projects, Daniels School of Business is acceptable on first reference; Daniels School is acceptable on second reference. Do not use DSB. All graduates of Purdue’s business and management graduate and undergraduate programs should be referred to on first reference as alumni of the Mitch Daniels School of Business.
Trustees voted Feb. 3, 2023, that the school be renamed Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business in honor of Daniels, Purdue’s 12th president, who retired from the university on Dec. 31, 2022. Trustees voted Aug. 3, 2024, to shorten the name to Mitch Daniels School of Business.
motorsports. Preferred as one word. (Added June 2023)
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering. When referring to Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering a second time or in shortened form, use Neil Armstrong Hall instead of Armstrong Hall. This reminds people, especially outsiders, which Armstrong this is. Stanley Coulter Hall is the other building for which Purdue retains a person’s first name in general use. (Revised December 2017)
nondiscrimination policy statement. See Purdue’s Nondiscrimination Policy Statement.
Old Gold and Black. Capitalize when used as a nickname for the university. See “colors” entry for other uses. (Added June 2023)
orphans. A single word alone on the last line of a paragraph must have five or more letters.
Polytechnic High Schools, Purdue. Purdue Polytechnic High Schools is a charter school. This reinvented high school, with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, opened its doors July 31, 2017, in downtown Indianapolis. It has multiple schools.
• Purdue Polytechnic High Schools — In general use, not referring to one of the schools in particular.
• Purdue Polytechnic High School Schweitzer Center at Englewood (denote somewhere in story that it’s on Indianapolis’ east side).
• Purdue Polytechnic High School North (denote somewhere in the story that it’s in Broad Ripple).
• Purdue Polytechnic High School South Bend.
• PPHS at Englewood
• PPHS North
• PPHS South Bend
(updated November 2021)
Polytechnic Institute, Purdue. The Purdue Polytechnic Institute, formerly the College of Technology, was renamed by the Board of Trustees in May 2015. On second reference, Purdue Polytechnic. Polytechnic is acceptable if the meaning, which includes the Purdue connection, is clear and the context is suitable. Do not use PPI.
The Polytechnic Institute is one of 10 academic colleges on the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University. Polytechnic also offers select degree programs in nine Indiana communities: Anderson, Columbus, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, New Albany, Richmond, South Bend and Vincennes. To refer to a specific program location, use Purdue Polytechnic Anderson, Purdue Polytechnic Vincennes. Refer to them as locations, not campuses.
Polytechnic and its locations are separate from Purdue Fort Wayne’s School of Polytechnic, an academic unit formed in December 2017 by merger of academic units within the College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science.
(Updated July 2018) URL: Purdue Polytechnic Institute.
postscript. When adding a postscript to a letter, use capital letters and place a period after each letter. P.S. Your participation is crucial to our goal of increasing participation in the Krannert Annual Fund by 500 alumni.
presidents, Purdue. The 13th president of Purdue University is typically identified as President Mung Chiang on first reference; thereafter, use Chiang, the president or, in some types of communication, President Chiang. He began his term on Jan. 1, 2023. President Chiang also serves as the Roscoe H. George Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to his title as Purdue president, include Chiang’s named professorship in your communications. (Added Jan. 1, 2023)
Recent presidents have been:
- President Emeritus Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. (12th; 2013-22)
- President Emerita France A. Córdova (11th; 2007-12)
- President Emeritus Martin C. Jischke (10th; 2000-07)
- President Emeritus Steven C. Beering (ninth; 1983-2000)
For a summary of Purdue’s past presidents, see Purdue’s official past presidents page. (Updated and renamed December 2017)
professor. When referring to Purdue faculty members, use the title or rank given to them by the university. Apply the title professor only before or in reference to the name of a faculty member — professor, associate professor or assistant professor — not before or in reference to the name of a lecturer, teaching assistant or other staff member.
Do not abbreviate assistant or associate or professor.
Typical first reference: Kimberly Kinzig, associate professor of psychological sciences, said …. Name before title. Typical second reference: Kinzig.
Also acceptable: Kimberly Kinzig, associate professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences, … “
In a quotation or other special usage or where context makes the of part entirely clear, Professor Kinzig or Professor Kimberly Kinzig is acceptable; the capitalization in this usage is an exception to the AP Stylebook. In such usages, omit associate or assistant unless part of the quotation.
Usually lowercase, especially before a full name: He studied in the research laboratory led by acclaimed chemistry professor Herbert Brown. But when used in place of a first name, capitalizing is acceptable:“The list of students mentored by Professor Rossmann is lengthy.” (Added September 2023)
DISTINGUISHED AND NAMED PROFESSORS (do not use endowed as a term for the whole group). When the title begins with a person’s name, use the to avoid the appearance of starting a list:
Mary Wirth, the W. Brooks Fortune Distinguished Professor of Chemistry
Thomas W. Hertel, Distinguished Professor of Agriculture
Tonglei Li, the Allen Chao Chair in Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
EMERITUS/EMERITA. This status is bestowed; it is not equal to “retired” (Office of the Provost has list). Indicate this status on first reference:
Thomas Clark, professor emeritus of physics and astronomy
Margaret Rowe, professor emerita of English
MORE THAN ONE TITLE: Include all titles on first reference if the sentence allows. Otherwise, list all titles in the first few sentences. This includes administrative titles. Start with the most relevant if possible.
Douglass Jacobs, the Fred M. van Eck Chair in Forest Biology and associate head of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, director of the Center for Families. MacDermid Wadsworth is also professor of human development and family studies, as well as director of the Military Family Research Institute and executive director of the Family Impact Institute. (Updated October 2017)
pronouns. Growing numbers of people, including some transgender, nonbinary, agender or gender-fluid people, use they/them/their as a gender-neutral singular personal pronoun. In our storytelling, don’t assume a person’s gender identity based on their pronouns, or vice versa. And don’t assume a person’s pronouns based on their first name.
When using they/them/their as a singular pronoun, explain if it isn’t clear in context: Morales, who uses the pronoun they, said they will retire in June. See the AP Stylebook for additional guidance. (Added November 2022)
Purdue University Airport. Founded in 1930, it was the country’s first university-owned airport. Commercial flight returned in May 2024 after a 20-year absence. Use Purdue University Airport on first reference. On second reference or in headlines, the airport or Purdue Airport is acceptable.
Purdue@DC (no periods). An initiative to amplify the university’s presence in Washington, D.C., by bringing Purdue’s strengths in national security, tech diplomacy, semiconductor talent and other policy research to the nation’s capital.
Purdue Extension (or Purdue University Extension): The official name of the service, which is part of the national Cooperative Extension System, that operates in all 92 Indiana counties to provide the state’s communities with practical, research-based information. In text, capitalize Purdue Extension and Extension when they stand alone and specifically refer to the program. This capitalization distinguishes Purdue Extension from the generic word extension, which is often used in text in various contexts.
- Purdue Extension will support an effort to help rural, tribal and underserved communities access federal funding.
- Purdue plans to expand opportunities for Extension to engage and improve the quality of life in underserved communities by furthering the capacity of Extension agents to deliver disaster programming.
Purdue Global. Do not abbreviate as PG. The word University is not to be used with the name except in legal contexts, such as this disclaimer for a military-related video for which testimonials were secured: These testimonials were obtained by Purdue University Global. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals; student schedules and experiences may vary. Other instances: copyright notices (© 2024, Purdue University Global, a public, nonprofit institution.) and boilerplate used in newsletters (Purdue University Global is an Indiana nonprofit, public benefit corporation controlled by The Trustees of Purdue University).
TAGLINE: Purdue’s online university for working adults. (Include the period as part of the branding even though this is not a complete sentence.)
WEBSITE CALL TO ACTION (CTA): Start yours today at purdueglobal.edu (Don’t include a period at the end of this CTA, lest it be mistaken as part of the URL.)
Purdue Memorial Union. Second reference: the Union or PMU.
R&D. Acceptable on first reference for research and development. No spaces around the ampersand.
serial comma. The final comma (before a conjunction) is often unnecessary, especially in a simple series. Include serial comma as needed to avoid confusion, however. Example: Purdue University’s Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability assesses food spending, consumer satisfaction and values, support of agricultural and food policies, and trust in information sources. (serial comma in use because individual items in the list include an “and”).
Related, include the serial comma when it’s part of an official name of an academic unit or college: Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; or the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. (Revised September 2023)
Silicon Heartland. Capitalize as a coinage, similar to Silicon Valley. (Added June 2023)
strategic initiatives. See this website on Purdue’s strategic initiatives. Don’t use quotation marks around the names of initiatives, some of which are noted here:
ABCD strategy:
Airport (for the Greater Lafayette region)
Broadband (for rural communities in Indiana)
Hard-Tech Corridor
Physical artificial intelligence
Quantum science and engineering
National Security and Technology Initiative
Purdue Applied Research Institute
Online Education 2.0 (links to Purdue Online Learning 2.0)
student-athlete. Hyphenate in all uses. (Added June 2023)
telephone numbers. Use 10-digit numbers with hyphens as separators: 765-494-xxxx, per AP. In lengthy lists, it is permissible to give the area code once for the whole list. (updated and renamed October 2017)
theater/theatre. Because the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance consistently refers to its academic area of study as theatre and its performance stages as theatres, all Rueff School-related references should use the “re” spelling. However, references to movie or other performing theaters — and other generic usages — should use the “er” spelling unless it involves an “re” proper name.
“This Is Purdue.” Use quotation marks for the university’s official podcast, produced by Purdue Marketing and Communications. Note the capitalized “I” in “Is.” (Added June 2023)
titles. In general, place identifications after a person’s name and set off by commas with a title in lowercase. Confine capitalization to formal titles used directly before an individual’s name. Titles used apart from a name also are lowercase. See also “professor” in this guide.
For more information, see AP Stylebook under “titles” (note the subsections on long titles and additional guidance) and the cross references at the end, especially academic titles. AP also has entries for courtesy titles and categories of people such as military, religious or legislative; there also is a general entry for composition titles (books, TV, movies, music, art, software, etc.). (Revised April 2018)
underclassmen. If you need one word to describe a group of first-year students and/or sophomores, use underclassmen. Do not use lowerclass students or underclass students.
university and college names. Quite a few states give various campuses/universities within a system the basic university name plus a locator name. But that is being done in four different ways:
1. Open. University of Massachusetts Amherst; Purdue University West Lafayette
2. “at”. University of Texas at Austin; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3. Hyphen. University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
4. Comma. University of California, Berkeley; University of Maryland, College Park
One good resource for such names is a set of Wikipedia university lists by state. These names would be used for first reference in most cases. For Big Ten schools, the “suffix” may not be necessary.
With California and like university names, set off the city designation with commas: My brother applied to the University of California, Davis, but liked the program at another campus better.
university. The word university should be lowercase, even in instances where it stands alone for the longer phrase Purdue University. Universitywide is acceptable without a hyphen, per AP Stylebook. Examples:
Several famous astronauts have graduated from this university.
The worldwide presence of our university alumni helps bring in many students. (Revised July 2023)
University Senate. Do not use the term Faculty Senate. For more information on the University Senate, visit its website.
upperclassmen. A gender-neutral group of juniors and/or seniors. Do not use upperclass students.
URLs. URLs should be set in plain type, not underlined or set in italics, etc. The situation, placement and audience help determine how much of a URL to show. However, whatever is shown must suffice for reaching the website. Thus, for some uses purdue.edu or purduesports.com is enough. URLs should always be tested.
If a URL can’t be listed on one line, never break it with a hyphen; rather, break the URL after a period, slash or double slash. A sentence including a URL takes end punctuation as a sentence normally does. (Updated October 2017)
U.S. Use periods when abbreviating United States, both in texts and in headlines. The latter example is an exception to AP.
West Lafayette. Do not abbreviate West in West Lafayette.
West Lafayette campus. The c should be lowercase in running text.
-wide. This suffix normally takes no hyphen, per AP Stylebook: campuswide, systemwide, citywide, statewide, nationwide, universitywide, worldwide. See also “university.” (Updated July 2023)
World’s Largest Drum. The drum and the World’s Largest Drum Crew are part of the Purdue “All-American” Marching Band. Don’t use the term Big Bass Drum, which is used only informally.
year in school. See “class” entry.
years. In cases where the century doesn’t change, inclusive years should be formatted as follows (using a hyphen):
But: 1998-2002